Lavender Lip Balm


As a lip balm fanatic, I create exactly what I look for in a lip balm. Handmade with avocado oil, shea butter, vitamin E oil, beeswax, and lavender essential oil, these lip balms are simple, hydrating, and as natural as they come.

This price is for 1 lip balm

Each lip balm is 0.15 oz


Avocado Oil: 100% pure, non-GMO. Contains vitamin E, potassium and lecithin which provides energy for the growth and health of new skin.

Shea Butter: 100% pure, non-GMO. Creates a moisture barrier.

Vitamin E Oil: USDA Organic, non-GMO. Boosts circulation, promotes cell turnover and regeneration.

Beeswax: Locally sourced beeswax right here in Florida!

Lavender Essential Oil

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As a lip balm fanatic, I create exactly what I look for in a lip balm. Handmade with avocado oil, shea butter, vitamin E oil, beeswax, and lavender essential oil, these lip balms are simple, hydrating, and as natural as they come.

This price is for 1 lip balm

Each lip balm is 0.15 oz


Avocado Oil: 100% pure, non-GMO. Contains vitamin E, potassium and lecithin which provides energy for the growth and health of new skin.

Shea Butter: 100% pure, non-GMO. Creates a moisture barrier.

Vitamin E Oil: USDA Organic, non-GMO. Boosts circulation, promotes cell turnover and regeneration.

Beeswax: Locally sourced beeswax right here in Florida!

Lavender Essential Oil

As a lip balm fanatic, I create exactly what I look for in a lip balm. Handmade with avocado oil, shea butter, vitamin E oil, beeswax, and lavender essential oil, these lip balms are simple, hydrating, and as natural as they come.

This price is for 1 lip balm

Each lip balm is 0.15 oz


Avocado Oil: 100% pure, non-GMO. Contains vitamin E, potassium and lecithin which provides energy for the growth and health of new skin.

Shea Butter: 100% pure, non-GMO. Creates a moisture barrier.

Vitamin E Oil: USDA Organic, non-GMO. Boosts circulation, promotes cell turnover and regeneration.

Beeswax: Locally sourced beeswax right here in Florida!

Lavender Essential Oil

Ingredients, processes, and/or packaging are subject to change, without notice, due to availability. Please be sure to review listing and ingredients carefully before purchasing.

Disclaimer: Products are not evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition. These products are not medication and recommendations accepted by the purchaser are accepted at their own risk. Information provided is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or replace the advice of professionals. We accept no responsibility for the incorrect use of information or products. Ingredients may cause skin sensitivity and as such, we encourage a patch test on the skin for possible reactions.