Lavender Infused Face Oil


This lightweight everyday serum is made of mostly dry oils with fast to very fast absorption rates meaning it will leave skin with a silky smooth, non-greasy finish.

Handcrafted with rosehip oil, meadowfoam seed oil, grapeseed oil, lavender infused jojoba oil, vitamin E oil and lavender essential oil in a 1 oz glass bottle with glass eye dropper and tamper seal.


o Shake bottle before each use as oils may naturally separate

o Apply a few drops in an upward circular motion to clean face and neck

o Store in a cool, dark area


Rosehip Oil: High in antioxidants and vitamins A and C

Meadowfoam Seed Oil: Rich in vitamin E oil to lock in moisture

Grapeseed Oil: A lightweight oil rich in antioxidants and vitamin E oil

Lavender infused Jojoba Oil: Moisturizing

Vitamin E Oil: Is an important antioxidant that helps with hydration and is an anti-inflammatory

Lavender Essential Oil

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This lightweight everyday serum is made of mostly dry oils with fast to very fast absorption rates meaning it will leave skin with a silky smooth, non-greasy finish.

Handcrafted with rosehip oil, meadowfoam seed oil, grapeseed oil, lavender infused jojoba oil, vitamin E oil and lavender essential oil in a 1 oz glass bottle with glass eye dropper and tamper seal.


o Shake bottle before each use as oils may naturally separate

o Apply a few drops in an upward circular motion to clean face and neck

o Store in a cool, dark area


Rosehip Oil: High in antioxidants and vitamins A and C

Meadowfoam Seed Oil: Rich in vitamin E oil to lock in moisture

Grapeseed Oil: A lightweight oil rich in antioxidants and vitamin E oil

Lavender infused Jojoba Oil: Moisturizing

Vitamin E Oil: Is an important antioxidant that helps with hydration and is an anti-inflammatory

Lavender Essential Oil

This lightweight everyday serum is made of mostly dry oils with fast to very fast absorption rates meaning it will leave skin with a silky smooth, non-greasy finish.

Handcrafted with rosehip oil, meadowfoam seed oil, grapeseed oil, lavender infused jojoba oil, vitamin E oil and lavender essential oil in a 1 oz glass bottle with glass eye dropper and tamper seal.


o Shake bottle before each use as oils may naturally separate

o Apply a few drops in an upward circular motion to clean face and neck

o Store in a cool, dark area


Rosehip Oil: High in antioxidants and vitamins A and C

Meadowfoam Seed Oil: Rich in vitamin E oil to lock in moisture

Grapeseed Oil: A lightweight oil rich in antioxidants and vitamin E oil

Lavender infused Jojoba Oil: Moisturizing

Vitamin E Oil: Is an important antioxidant that helps with hydration and is an anti-inflammatory

Lavender Essential Oil

Ingredients, processes, and/or packaging are subject to change, without notice, due to availability. Please be sure to review listing and ingredients carefully before purchasing.

Disclaimer: Products are not evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition. These products are not medication and recommendations accepted by the purchaser are accepted at their own risk. Information provided is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or replace the advice of professionals. We accept no responsibility for the incorrect use of information or products. Ingredients may cause skin sensitivity and as such, we encourage a patch test on the skin for possible reactions.