100% Rosehip Oil


This lightweight, dry oil will leave skin with a silky smooth, non-greasy finish.

Rosehip oil is widely known for its nourishing effects and it is high in omega fatty acids and antioxidants, and rich in vitamins A, C, and E.

Oil is 1 oz glass bottle with glass eye dropper


o Apply a few drops into clean, dry skin in the morning and/or at night


o 100% pure, unrefined, cold pressed, unprocessed, undiluted, unfiltered rosehip oil

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This lightweight, dry oil will leave skin with a silky smooth, non-greasy finish.

Rosehip oil is widely known for its nourishing effects and it is high in omega fatty acids and antioxidants, and rich in vitamins A, C, and E.

Oil is 1 oz glass bottle with glass eye dropper


o Apply a few drops into clean, dry skin in the morning and/or at night


o 100% pure, unrefined, cold pressed, unprocessed, undiluted, unfiltered rosehip oil

This lightweight, dry oil will leave skin with a silky smooth, non-greasy finish.

Rosehip oil is widely known for its nourishing effects and it is high in omega fatty acids and antioxidants, and rich in vitamins A, C, and E.

Oil is 1 oz glass bottle with glass eye dropper


o Apply a few drops into clean, dry skin in the morning and/or at night


o 100% pure, unrefined, cold pressed, unprocessed, undiluted, unfiltered rosehip oil

Ingredients, processes, and/or packaging are subject to change, without notice, due to availability. Please be sure to review listing and ingredients carefully before purchasing.

Disclaimer: Products are not evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition. These products are not medication and recommendations accepted by the purchaser are accepted at their own risk. Information provided is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or replace the advice of professionals. We accept no responsibility for the incorrect use of information or products. Ingredients may cause skin sensitivity and as such, we encourage a patch test on the skin for possible reactions.